In our column "Feel Bulgaria with..." today we introduce you to the extremely inspiring traveler Teodora Valentinova. Here is what Teodora shares about herself and her passion for discovering and sharing the beauties of Bulgaria with her audience on Instagram...
Hello! My name is Teodora and my greatest passion is photography, which fits perfectly with my love for the mountains and my desire to show the beauties of Bulgaria through my eyes. I have wandered in sleet, in downpours, in fogs and even in hail storms, but nothing has ever stopped me from enjoying this magic in the heights. I'm also a big fan of macro photography. I like to experiment in photography and tell my stories with each shot. I believe that nature is the greatest wealth and healer at the same time. Whether I'm gazing out into the far expanse or peering into the tiny world of bugs, the magic is equally impressive to me!
Here are some great places that Teodora shares with us. For more great outing ideas follow Teodora on Instagram – @t_vallentinova
1. "Menta" area
There, on the way to Yundola – Velingrad, nestled along the Yadenitsa River, is a unique small area called Menta. This mountain paradise was created just above the revival village of Golyamo Belovo, which stretches between Rila, The Rhodopes and Middle Forest. Everything is extremely beautifully done, as if it came out of an old Bulgarian fairy tale. And after a conversation with a local, we found out that they are working on expanding this recreation area. After crossing the bridge, you will find wooden benches and tables, a separate barbecue and a locker where everyone leaves something - oil, spices, charcoal. It's great even for children to play in nature.
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2. Rila Skakavitsa waterfall
Rila Skakavitsa or just Skakavitsa is the name of the highest waterfall in the mountain Rila. It is located in Rila National Park. The waterfall is located on the Skakavitsa River in the Skakavitsa Valley at the foot of the eastern slope of Mount Kabul, Northwest Rila. It is located at 1950 m above sea level, and the height from which the water falls is 70 m. Skakavitsa is a major tourist site in the district. This is due to the centuries-old mulberry forests that surround it. The walk to it is easy and pleasant, the waterfall is visible from afar in the valley, and just before it there is a slight incline and the route is mainly stony. I advise you to tread carefully and watch your feet.

3. Tevno Lake and Pirin
Pirin is one of the most beautiful and majestic mountains in Bulgaria.
The Slavs called the mountain Perun or Perin after their supreme god. The root of the name is also connected with the Thracian word "perintos", which means rock, as well as the Hittite word "perunash".
Preferred as a location, the mountain is not one of the easiest to trek. Its stony terrains are a real test for the will and physical abilities of mountaineers, but its views make everyone fall in love with it. I have always said that Pirin gives the heartiest "rewards" for persistent tourists.
I'm sharing some shots of Tevno Lake and the peace it brought me, quieted by it before and after sunset.
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4. Pig's Hole Cave
A cave Svinska dupka is located about 2.2 km northwest of Lakatnik station. Its entrance is revealed at the base of a high rocky ridge, on the left bank of the Petrenska River, Western Stara Planina. According to the zoning of the karst, it falls into the Vrachan cave area No. 203. Lakatni cave sub-area. The entrance to the cave is revealed at the base of a high rock ridge. He finds himself in a half-lit vestibule in which traces of archaeological excavations are visible. A straight gallery about 138 meters long separates from the entrance. At the twentieth meter along the central axis, there is a group of stalactons that divide the gallery into two. The floor is covered with ancient gravel and dry clay. The average height of the gallery reaches 3.50 m, and in places its width is 8 m. Secondary formations are absent. In places, only small tubular stalactites, stalagmites and, rarely, drifts are visible. Frost weathering is clearly visible in the incoming parts.
5. "Petrenski dol" eco-path
The "Petrenski dol" eco-path is located before the village of Gubislav. The route is easy - suitable for both children and the elderly who decide to spend time in nature. Here is also the largest pool of the Petrenska Reka, whose name the trail bears. From the beginning, the path runs parallel to the valley of the same name. This stretch offers many places suitable for picnics, tents, hammocks, beachcombing or just solitude, away from the hustle and bustle of the city. The second half of the route is a slight climb. There are no dangerous sections, but still be careful. The higher you go, the closer you get to the mound, from which you can see the Lakatnik Station and part of the house above the Eagle's Nest shelter. This is also the end point of the eco-path.
IMPORTANT: All photos and texts in the article are the intellectual property of Viktoria Daneva and this website has received permission to use them. Using them without the author's permission is a violation of copyright law and is prohibited!
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