България е страна, богата на природни красоти и разнообразни екопътеки. Тези маршрути са идеални за хора, които искат да се насладят на чист въздух, красива природа и активна…
В изминалите години хижите и вилите в планината се превърнаха в популярно място за почивка сред българите. Освен че предоставят възможност за отдих сред природата, интериорът на тези…
Пчелният мед от Троянския Балкан е не просто хранителен продукт, а истински дар от природата. С уникалния си вкус, аромат и здравословни качества, той се превръща в символ…
Пролетта в България започва с цветовете на бялото и червеното, обединени в символа на здравето и късмета — мартеницата. Този древен обичай е свързан със събуждането на природата…
Сезонната работа в българските градове и курорти предлага широка гама от възможности за заетост. Курортите в страната привличат туристи през цялата година, но сезоните за ски и летни…
In winter in Bulgaria, the mountains attract lovers of fresh air and silence, offering various opportunities for rest and adventure. For those looking for an escape from the hustle and bustle of the city, the lodges…
България е страна с богата духовна култура и вековни традиции, символ на които са нейните манастири. Всеки манастир пази в сърцето си многовековна история, културно наследство и уникални…
The 100 national tourist sites - interactive map The journey through the 100 national tourist sites of Bulgaria is an adventure that introduces tourists to the unique cultural and natural wealth...
Zlatograd - the hidden treasure of the Rhodopes, is one of the most charming places in Bulgaria, which attracts tourists with its rich history, architectural heritage and unique atmosphere. Located in the southern…
The little cabin in the woods is a dream retreat for many. It offers peace, nature and privacy. For it to be comfortable and functional, it is important to furnish it properly, especially…
Choosing the right women's or men's quality hiking shoes is critical for anyone who loves outdoor adventures. Two of the most important features people look for in…
Wild camping is a real adventure for lovers of nature and freedom, which provides an opportunity to completely escape from the hectic everyday life and connect with the natural world. Bulgaria offers an abundance of…
Everyone dreams of an escape from everyday life, a holiday in an exotic place or a spa weekend in nature. But it is not always easy to raise enough funds for such an experience.…
Bulgaria is a country with a rich history and unique nature that attracts tourists from all over the world. To fully immerse yourself in the country's cultural and natural heritage, renting…
Bulgaria is a country with an extraordinary variety of natural landscapes, which include majestic mountains, picturesque valleys and crystal clear lakes. If you love nature and mountain adventures, the mountain…
In the heart of Bulgaria, far from noisy cities and busy tourist routes, small villages and ancient monasteries are hidden, which seem to have been forgotten by time. They keep in…
When we hear the word "fjords", the first thing that comes to mind are the majestic Norwegian coasts with their steep rock walls and deep bays. However, few people know that and…
Construction is a field that constantly develops and adapts to new trends and technologies. With the growing importance of sustainable development and environmental responsibility, timber has become a…
Ecotourism is a new trend in tourism that prioritizes the preservation of nature and cultural heritage. More and more people are realizing the need for change in the way they…
Rail travel in Bulgaria offers not only convenience and speed, but also a unique opportunity to enjoy amazing natural views and cultural attractions. Whether you are fond of…
The Eastern Rhodopes are one of the most remarkable and mysterious mountains in Bulgaria. Apart from its exceptional nature, this part of the Rhodopes is known for its cultural heritage, its unique…
The Rhodopes, one of the most beautiful and magical mountain regions in Bulgaria, hide many hidden treasures. One of them is Mount Syutka – little known, but full of…
Bulgaria is a country with a long history of wine production, which makes it an ideal destination for wine tourism. From ancient times to today, Bulgarian wine is highly valued and…
If you're a fan of Starbucks, you've probably wondered how to make some of their most popular drinks at home. Whether you're craving a pumpkin latte, frappuccino or…
As a result of the hectic lifestyle and the stress accumulated during the year, rest in nature is gaining more and more popularity. Camping is becoming more and more popular because of the opportunity to really…
https://youtu.be/GS_WUggtzaY In the period from 2.5.2024 to 5.5.2024, the Batak Reservoir hosted the first carp competition of its kind - Batak Carp Competition 2024 organized...